A Dream Come True
Being at ArtsEd is definitely a dream come true. Never had I imagined that going to drama school (one of the hardest things to do and get into) was possible for me. But when I got the call that I was in, I never felt happier. The course pushes you to your artistic limits, it sets goals you don’t even think are reachable, but turn out to be.
Teachers open your mind to a whole new different set of ways in which you could personally become a better actor. It’s incredible! But it would be rude of me not to acknowledge what got me here…and that is my previous training and schooling at WSO!
Never give up!
Without my teachers and their constant help for me to improve my craft, I could have never made it here. All the help WSO brought in gave me so much insight into what I need to do to make it in an industry that is so cutthroat.
The teachers taught me how to always be resilient and make sure to never give up on my dream. That is why all of my chips are in my acting career, I am sure that with what I have done and with what I am doing there is no way but up!
This is why I also enjoy giving back to the future generations of artists at WSO. Holding workshops with students at WSO is a privilege, because not only am I using my passion for Performing Arts, but I am also “paying back“ the school for everything it has done for me.
There is a great future in WSO’s Performing Arts.