
At WSO, every story is different. Start yours today.


  • A combination of the British Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) and Reggio Emilia approach to provide children an integrated, holistic learning experience

  • We follow a child-centered approach, taking a holistic view of the child with individual needs, interests and learning styles being at the heart of everything we do

  • Each child is treated as a unique individual providing nurture, education and a love of learning within a stimulating learning environment with a constant positive ethos

  • WSO Nursery aims to be a ‘home away from home’ for you child, not only in the way the nursery is styled but also in our approach to teaching and learning

  • Passionate, dedicated and experienced practitioners who are committed to offering the very best start in the first steps of your child’s educational journey

  • Children will lead their own learning which will be at their own pace and development level. No pressure will be on children and they will be encouraged and supported with the principle of preparing them for their next educational step into FS1, working in partnership with parents together

  • When you join us you will feel like part of a family, and this family relationship can continue into FS1 and beyond

  • Age 1 before the 31st August (minimum age)
  • Flexible days and hours from 7.30am - 3.30pm
  • Affordable enrolment fees from AED 34,874 - 44,385


A home-away-from-home

See why our Early Years Provision has been rated outstanding for more than 9 years

Integrated Enrichment Activities

Enabling Learning Environment

Learning experiences will be integrated into indoor, outdoor and sensory discovery areas. Allowing the children spaces that invite exploration, creativity and participation while provided a wealth of sensory experiences.


Allows children to shape projects through individual interests by giving them options to respond to. This encourages children to translate their thoughts into a multiple of perspectives.

Relaxing the Mind

Children will develop skills within Mindfulness where they can regulate their own thinking and feelings. This builds resilience and gives children strategies to control their own feelings and behaviours.

Healthy Body

Dancing, yoga, sport skills and water exploration developing fine and gross motor skills and developing independence and self-expression. Children will understand the importance of caring for fitness and health.

Playing Grown Up

Practicing real life scenarios and activities to develop independence, self-awareness and confidence. From cooking to everyday challenges and other elements from the ‘grown up world’ for children to engage with.

Diving into Nature

Understanding the role of the environment relating to nature and sustainability leading to the learning and appreciation of life and its cycles.

Language Learning Time

Rapid growth occurs in the language centres of the brain during the early childhood years. Develop knowledge of English, Arabic and French languages and culture through engaging and active language sessions.


Timings and Fees 

 Timings 3 Days  5 Days 

 7.30 - 12.30



7.30 - 3.30



Enrol Now!

Open for Enrolments - Academic Year 2024-25. Limited seats available.

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