The Graduated Approach
The Graduated Approach
All teachers at WSO are considered to be teachers of students with Special Educational Needs and as such they continue to remain responsible for the teaching and learning for their students. All teachers are responsible for identifying students who are experiencing challenges with learning, and in collaboration with the Inclusion team, will ensure that those students requiring different or additional support are identified at an early stage.
The graduated approach recognises that there is a continuum of special educational needs and that, where necessary, increasing specialist expertise should be used to remove or mitigate barriers to learning that a student may be experiencing.
Level 1
Within the Graduated Approach, at the first Level, needs are met through High Quality Teaching. Support for students at Level 1 is tailored to the needs of the individual student, this is seen as adaptative and differentiated teaching and learning. This can be provided by the class teacher and some examples could be, the use of; reasonable adjustment changes to the lesson and curriculum content, assistive technology, individual or small group teaching, or in-class support.
Level 2
This level describes the support that is available in addition to the support at Level 1 and goes beyond the usual differentiated curriculum. Students at this level require interventions that are specific and time-limited, these can be small group activities or short-term programmes of support. It is expected that a minority of students will require access to this level of support services. Some students accessing this level may require enhanced support through an individual education plan or personalised inclusion plan.
Level 3
Students at this level require individualised and specialised provision, which is different from that provided to most other students. This may include full-time support by a learning support assistant and/or long-term programmes of support. This service is not included in the conventional school curriculum and this level of support is charged in addition to the regular school fees. It is expected that only a few students will require access to level 3 support.