WSO Creative Avenue Programmes
What is the Creative Avenue Programme?
This is an alternative pathway from GCSEs, Functional Skills provide the fundamental English and Maths skills that students will need for their working and personal lives. They are recognised qualifications by employers, education organisations and training companies and are accredited by the AQA examining body. Students demonstrate the skills through real-life assessments set in every day contexts, fitting the WSO motto of ‘ World class, world ready”.Achieving a Functional Skills qualification can help you:
- Apply for a job that requires GCSE Maths and English
- Access higher education
- Enrol on an apprenticeship
- To go to University
- Improve your skills and confidence with day-to-day Maths and English tasks
What are the levels offered?
Functional Skills qualifications are available Level 1 and Level 2. As an approximate comparison Level 1 is comparable to GCSE grades 1 – 3, and Level 2 is comparable to GCSE grade 4. They are accepted by higher education institutions but please check with your chosen university before you submit your application to avoid disappointment.
The functional skills qualifications in English assess three components:
- speaking, listening and communication;
- reading;
- writing.
These are assessed via via internally and externally set examinations.
The functional skills qualification in Maths assesses three components:
- Use of number and the number system
- Use of measures, shape and space
- Handling information and data
These are assessed via via externally set examinations:
ASDAN Curriculum also offered:
ASDAN is a charity based company that aims to help change people’s lives around the world through developing a curriculum that advances social and work-related skills. The curriculum creates an engaging, practical approach to learning and tries to celebrate the diversity in young people.
They offer programs to develop employability skills which educates learners to further their education levels. The modules try to tailor for young adults whom English is not their first language. ASDAN has aspirations for learners with special educational needs to have a pathway to prepare them for adulthood. The pathway included an understanding of identity and who they are and how they use these in society. Pupils will learn to focus and develop their unique talents and skills to allow them to make an impact in a work environment. It marries well along sides GEMS Wellington Academy’s mission statement “World class world ready”.